Webshop for Storkene.dk
Design and development of a webshop for selling merchandise and memberships for the voluntary association Storkene.dk

"Our collaboration with Apptitude was exactly by the book. Their understanding of our desires has in a formidable way been translated into a webshop, which has a look and character exactly as we had in mind. The communication has throughout been professional and with respect for schedules and agreements"
What we have developed:
Who is Storkene.dk?
Storkene.dk is a voluntary association that does a great job to keep the stork in Denmark. In addition to observing and registering storks in Danish nature, they use the time to plan trips abroad, give lectures, feed resident storks and set up stork nests among other things. You can read more about Storkene.dk's work on their website or support their work at their new merchandise shop.

Storkene.dk wanted a webshop for selling of merchandise, memberships, lectures etc. The task was to create a platform where the volunteers in the association could manage products, prices, shipping and other relevant settings. It was also a wish that the webshop did not require too much maintenance. Since Storkene.dk already had a website, the solution was to function as a kind of subpage with a focus on the products.

The solution was developed using Shopify, which was the best balance between the ability to specially develop functionality, while in the future it is easy for Storkene.dk to maintain. Components have been implemented using Liquid templating language, which has also been used for dynamic content in emails. In addition, we have integrated into Mailchimp, where we have set up automations.
If you need advice on an e-commerce solution, please contact us!
Technologies utilised: